Preferred shoes (up to 10km):
Saucony Kinvara 4
These puppies feel very light and tight on my feet. I would say they have little cushioning. If I’m about to run workouts where speed matters these are the ones I choose.
Secondary shoes (10km and above):
Saucony Mirage 3
These are slightly heavier than the Kinvara, however, they feel more comfortable. I use them when I’m going for long distance and don’t have to be quick.
Third pair of shoes (indoor and sprints/short intervals):
Nike Free 3.0 V4
I use these whenever I am indoors. They feel well against the indoor tarmac and flexible enough for me to use the whole foot when sprinting or doing short intervals.
Laces: Speedlaces
Bought them, did not put them on yet as I have my shoes on pretty loose anyway.
Watch – Garmin 910XT with HRM belt
The watch is probably one of the most preferred watches among triathlon users as it can be used during all 3 events (swim, bike, run).
I’m not going to go in on any details about what it can do as there are plenty of guides on the internet for that.
However, to put in my perspective on this device: I use it ALL the time I’m working out.
I can program sessions, check my heart rate, cadence and speed. It uses GPS and it’s fairly accurate.