No diet, no nothing, I eat what I want!
As the headline says, I eat what I want.
No diets.. no LCHF or 5-2 chicken only water what the hell for 4 days.
Suppliments consists of electrolytes in my water.
On my birthday I received a birthday present from my girlfriend which consisted of a 7-day meal registration, 2 sessions of body impedance analysis and a 2 hour consultancy from a nutritionist from Malmö Idrotts Akademi (Malmö Athlete Academy).
And this is with the Swedish Peter Stenberg, a certified dietist and also owner of an IOC diploma in sports nutrition. This guys is responsible for the nutrition of the Swedish elite. Check him out HERE
This means no home made private trainer with a 1 week course over the internet that has a flyer up at Fitness24seven. This guy is responsible if an elite athlete fails due to his food composition.
As I do not believe in diets I was very sceptical to this gift.
But to be fair I had to give this a chance. And what better person to convince me than this guy?
So I signed up and the first thing I was to do was register my food consumtion for a week.
I’ve already started with my food registration and hope he’ll find it amusing and challenging when he sees it. I don’t think this a regular sight in his line of business 🙂

So that you can understand what he face, here is what I’ll register for this week so far:
Breakfast: Oatmeal with raisins, honey, sunflower- and pumpkin seeds, 1 cup of coffee
Snack: ~60g Sourcream & onion chips, 100g of Kinapuffar
Lunch: 1 Chicken Elmaco & Co + 1 extra Chicken Elmaco with milk to drink
Second snack: ~60g Fläsksvålar (pork rinds)
Before leaving work: 1pc Billys panpizza
During training: 2 High5 gels (pure sugar), 750ml Water with electrolytes
Dinner: 1 glas of milk with O’boy, pasta with bacon, creme fraiche and paprika
Snack before going to bed: couple of lemon waffers
Breakfast: Oatmeal with raisins, honey, sunflower- and pumpkin seeds, 1 cup of coffee
Snack: ~60g Fläsksvålar (pork rinds)
Lunch: 2pcs of Billys panpizza and 2 spoons of peanutbutter
Second snack: ~60g Fläskasvålar (pork rinds)
Before training: a couple of lemon waffers
Dinner: 750ml of water with electrolytes. Leftovers from yesterday; pasta with bacon, creme fraiche and paprika
Snack before going to bed: Couple of lemon waffers
Breakfast: Oatmeal with raisins, honey, sunflower- and pumpkin seeds, 1 cup of coffee
Snack: ~60g Grill & Peppar Chips
Lunch: 2pcs of Billys panpizza
Second snack: Cake, 2 slices of Dajmtårta
During training: 3 High5 gels (pure sugar), 1 snickers, 1.5l water with electrolytes, 1 banana
Dinner: Salami pizza
I don’t know what will happen next other than Peter will schedule a meeting with me next week.
I’ll follow up when I have more information.