When things go downhill
Yup, finished my Ironman and was happy about having it done.
Everyone said I should rest and so I did for a couple of weeks.
But I wanted to get back on my regular training so I went to a running session as usual when I felt I had rested enough.
I knew I shouldn’t go to hard the first session so I took it easy.
But after a couple of kilometers I felt something in my knee. Just a little tingling.
1 week went by and it was time for my running session again.
This time I made it through warm up and then it started hurting in my knee.
What was it? My coach immediately said I had a runners knee. How the hell could I have gotten a runners knee after been training so hard for a year and now took it easy?
Anyways, I just accepted it.. but did not do anything about it.
Getting rid of runners knee is pretty basic. You stretch the hamstrings and knee etc. But did I do it? No..
Instead I took up other projects I had laying at home. And it was all fun.. but I wanted to go training.
But the motivation wasn’t really there.
I kept going to my Tuesday running sessions but since that was the only training I did I felt worse and worse when running.
Pulse was always high, I was always out of breath and my minutes per kilometers increased dramatically.
Last session I was going 5 minutes/kilometer and it felt hard.
I always say to other people:
Train once a week and you are doing it in vain.
Twice a week and you keep your endurance/fitness.
3 times or more and you increase your endurance/fitness.

And now I was the one going once a week..
When I look at the charts on how much training I’ve put in before I got injured and to what I do now it is frightening.
In June I was going 16 Bike Sessions, 16 Running sessions and 6 Swimming Sessions.
In October I was running once. ONCE!
That’s what no motivation gets you.
But that’s about to change and I’ll write more about that tomorrow!