The nutritionists tip: 4400Kcal for day 1
Met up with Peter Stenberg, the nutritionist, last tuesday.
The first thing we did was talk about my food consumption and what I had registered last week.
While what I was eating was not his preferred food of choice, he saw no problems with me eating it. His main problem was that I was not eating enough!
Since a bodyscan was scheduled I didn’t have anything to eat or drink the last 4 hours and didn’t do a hard workout the day before. The bodyscan took 2 minues using a machine that sends electricity (or magic if you prefer) throughout your body (connecting points: fingers/thumbs, toes/heel).
Results in the image below.

All bodyscans shouldn’t be taken seriously. The numbers are not exact and there are too many factors that can affect the outcome. However, it can give you a hint on whats going on in your body if you do multiple scans over a year.
Peters conclusions based on what he saw was that my body was fit for racing. Little deadweight (fat) compared to my musclemass. And also that most of my muscle mass was in my legs was a plus when doing a triathlon. Yes, I know that the muscles in the legs are the biggest musclegroup so this is no surprise, but what Peter meant is the ratio was very good, upper vs lower body.
Next we discussed what he thought would be a good food strategy pre Ironman and also during.
Since the race is so close we could not really check my nutrition uptake/expenditure and Peter had to do an educated guess. He already had a plan for me and that was to check my carbohydrate uptake pre race.
What would be usefull for me right now was to fill my body with energy and water so that I did’nt have to eat a big breakfast on race morning or drink too much water during the race.
So he though I’d try a carbohydrate charging based on his numbers and see if my stomach/body could handle it.
He asked me if I wanted to base my diet on what I’m used to (McDonalds etc) but I told him that he had free choice and should do what he thinks works best.
So we went through a 3 day plan for maximising carbohydrates and water in my body.
NOTE: We had such problems keeping proteins down so in the end we had to reduce the amount of chicken and salmon from my meals.
For day 1 I had a goal of 4400Kcal, day 2 it was 4800Kcal and on day 3 the goal was 4700Kcal.
My first day
Breakfast 1: Rice pudding with raspberry jam and banana.

Breakfast 2: Müsli with fruit yoghurt, orangejuice
Snack 1: Sandwiches with peanutbutter, nutella and banana.
Lunch: Chinese food, (mostly rice and cashews, liiiiitle chicken), coca cola.
Snack 2: Sandwiches with mayonnaise and mackarell plus ricedrink.
Dinner: (eating out at the soccerstadium) 2 big sausages with bread and a coke
Late snack: fruit cream
Eating the two breakfasts was fairly OK, the first snack went down. But came lunch and my body went into overdrive. I started feeling hot and the food was hard to swallow.
I was so full it really took me 35 minutes to eat some rice. I felt like a kid that could not leave the dinner table unless I had eaten all the vegetables.
The rest of the day I was hot and sweating which is unusual as I always have a sweatshirt on indoors at my office due to the airconditioning.
My stomach was not achy, but really gassy and at the end of the workday a couple of lavatory visits were neccessary.
It was expected when cramming all this food into my body without any warning 🙂
Today (thursday) I’m continuing the charging and it feels a bit easier with the food up to now. I’ll see how the lunch goes later on.